Dernière édition par le Sam 18 Fév 2006 - 0:08, édité 2 fois
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Lun 3 Mai 2010 - 16:40
je recherche l'emission de m6 acces prives avec un reportage sur les stars tv des années 80 et en autre jane badler quelqu'un a t'il un moyen de la voir sur le net ? car dimanche l'emission redifusé par m6 etait pas la bonne .
Le cowboy lyonnais
Nombre de messages : 23270 Age : 54 Localisation : France = LYON Loisirs : Cinéma / Séries-tv / musique... Points : 18429 Date d'inscription : 02/07/2005
Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Lun 3 Mai 2010 - 23:07
L'emission est rediffusée dimanche prochain et sinon tu peux la revoir sur le site M6 replay
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Mar 4 Mai 2010 - 7:39
ok merci je vais attendre dimanche sur m6 replay je la trouve pas .
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Dim 9 Mai 2010 - 14:40
voudrai revoir le reportage sur les acteurs de serie culte quel'qu'un la t'il enregistrer ? si quelqu'un pouvais le metre sur le net pour mon site jane badler sa serais cool .
Le cowboy lyonnais
Nombre de messages : 23270 Age : 54 Localisation : France = LYON Loisirs : Cinéma / Séries-tv / musique... Points : 18429 Date d'inscription : 02/07/2005
Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Dim 9 Mai 2010 - 15:05
Je l'ai enregistré tout à l'heure sur une vhs car je ne suis pas équipé encore en dvd enregistreur mais je pense qu'un fan va le mettre sur Youtube un jour ou l'autre ...
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Dim 9 Mai 2010 - 16:31
oui il etait bien ce reportge jane badler est marqué a vie comme diana , par contre le héro de supercopter OMG .
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Dim 9 Mai 2010 - 20:49
comment recupérer la video sur m6 replay ? .
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Sujet: 1 episode de Neighbours . Jeu 22 Juil 2010 - 6:06
1 episode de Neighbours avec jane badler . jane badler dans une serie australienne . jane badler joue actuellement dans une serie qui marche beaucoup en australie et angletairre le nom est Neighbours .
Le cowboy lyonnais
Nombre de messages : 23270 Age : 54 Localisation : France = LYON Loisirs : Cinéma / Séries-tv / musique... Points : 18429 Date d'inscription : 02/07/2005
Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Jeu 22 Juil 2010 - 9:58
Tout d'abord, merci beaucoup pour ta fidélité au forum, puisque apparemment, seule la partie sur V t'intérèsse et Merci pour ces vidéos dont j'avais entendu parler voir mes liens ci-dessous, et apparemment c'était un lien sur toi sur Google car il y a la même faute pour le mot Angleterre...
Jane est incroyablement belle 30ans après, c'est troublant et je me pose des questions à savoir si elle aurait fait de la chirurgie esthétique ou pas ...
Hommage:Direct 8 poursuit la diffusion de Mission Impossible jane badler a sortie un album the devil has my double j'ai cette album sais un bijou vraiment [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] . et elle s'aprette a faire sont retour dans le remake de "v" elle a joueé diana dans la version original ... [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
jane badler Fans site: jane badler dans une serie australienne . par jane badler jane badler joue actuellement dans une serie qui marche beaucoup en australie et angletairre le nom est Neighbours malheureusement la serie est pas diffusé en france , voici un extrait de jane dans la serie . ... [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Jeu 22 Juil 2010 - 21:07
botox oui apres je pense pas .... . le producteurs de "v" a dit aujourd'hui que la mere de anna ferait son apparition cet année dans la remake de "v" ce role pourait etre pour jane badler d'apres un journaliste . que en pense tu? jane badler a t'elle sa place dans ce remake d'apres vous ? j 'enverais une news sur le forum si ça ce confirme pour jane .
Le cowboy lyonnais
Nombre de messages : 23270 Age : 54 Localisation : France = LYON Loisirs : Cinéma / Séries-tv / musique... Points : 18429 Date d'inscription : 02/07/2005
Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Sam 24 Juil 2010 - 23:22
Evidemment que Jane a sa place dans le remake ! C'est un véritable scandale qu'elle ne tourne toujours pas dedans, alors qu'elle est l'âme de V !!!
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Dim 25 Juil 2010 - 17:38
Jane Badler qui jouait le rôle de Diana dans la version originale intègrera le casting de la saison 2 du remake de V . Reprendra-t-elle son rôle plus de 20 ans après ?
D'après TV Guide, les producteurs de la série V, diffusée sur ABC, ont exprimé leur vif souhait d'intégrer Jane Badler au casting de la deuxième saison. Jane Badler jouait déjà l'alien démoniaque, Diana, dans la série originale. On ne sait pas encore quelle rôle tiendra Jane dans le remake de la série qui l'a rendue célèbre mais Scott Rosenbaum, producteur exécutif de V, a révélé que l'équipe castait en ce moment pour le rôle de la mère d'Anna, dont le nom est... Diana...
Jane Badler reprendra donc t-elle son rôle des années 80 ? Scott Rosenbaum reste évasif, disant qu'il ne sait pas si Jane interprètera le rôle de la mère d'Anna, mais une chose est certaine : il la veut dans la saison 2 de son show ! Il avoue quand même que le personnage de Diana a été conçu par rapport à son original, quant à faire interpréter Diana par Jane Badler herself... Who knows... . [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] .
Le cowboy lyonnais
Nombre de messages : 23270 Age : 54 Localisation : France = LYON Loisirs : Cinéma / Séries-tv / musique... Points : 18429 Date d'inscription : 02/07/2005
Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Dim 25 Juil 2010 - 17:55
Fantastique ! IL va y avoir sûrement pleins d'articles que je mettrais ici !et c'est pas trop tôt !
Mais d'après cet article, cela ne serait pas encore sûr [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Et j'éspère qu'elle sera dans tous les épisodes et pas juste un ou deux, car je me méfie ... Et Faye Grant alors ? Et les autres ?
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Mer 4 Aoû 2010 - 15:51
direct 8 diffusera l'episode 3x9 de la serie le monde perdu avec jane badler en guest star le dimanche 8 aout a 15 heures l'episode est inédit en france .
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Sujet: Jane Badler est la plus belle ! Mer 4 Aoû 2010 - 17:50
Jane Badler n'a jamais fait de chirurgie esthétique, j'en suis sûre, mais elle est restée d'une beauté saisissante malgré le poids des années, c'est pas le cas de de sheila (lol) !!!
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Jeu 5 Aoû 2010 - 1:14
, .
Dernière édition par donovan le Jeu 5 Aoû 2010 - 1:18, édité 1 fois
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Jeu 5 Aoû 2010 - 1:16
elle date de hier . Interview: Jane Badler By Silvia Moreno-Garcia Bad, mad and dangerous to know. That was Diana, the alien villain from V. Jane Badler, the woman behind Diana, is significantly more pleasant. An American who has called Australia her home for the past couple of decades, Badler has appeared in numerous TV shows like Mission Impossible and Falcon Crest. Nowadays, she sings (nicely; she has a very pleasant voice) and continues to appear on television (most recently in the Australian soap opera Neighbours).
I’m not sure where Diana ranks in the scale of science-fiction villains, but the scene where she proceeds to swallow a rodent during the first miniseries is one of the biggest shockers in television history. As far as cult appeal goes, Diana’s got the seal of approval. And, on a personal note, I always thought she was oh-so-cool. Jane Badler and Michael Ironside ruled that show.
With a new version of V on the air and all the waffling about casting Badler in the re-imagined show – come on, producers, give her the role of Anna’s mom, already – we thought it was a good time to phone Jane Badler and talk about the original V, her music and her acting:
SMG: I remember there was an episode of Mission Impossible where you were singing. I’m curious: was that your singing or was that a recording?
JB: No, that was me. I still am singing. I am now releasing a second album.
SMG: Yes, when I saw the episode, I didn’t know about that. But now that I’ve checked your MySpace page, I thought, Well, she must have been doing her own singing and I never realized it until now.
JB: Yeah, well, they found out I could sing – because I was singing before I was acting; I played instruments and sang growing up – so, when they heard that, they started thinking I could be a singer on the show. So, I was an Irish singer; then I was a French singer. That was very fun.
SMG: What made you return to music?
JB: It’s funny. I sang at clubs when I was right out of university and then I went primarily into acting. Then about ten, maybe eight years ago, I decided to get into jazz and I started singing in jazz clubs. I did my own cabaret shows. Then I joined a band called “Sir”, which is an indie band, and we’ve been releasing albums and this, my second album, is being released, which is suddenly kind of what I’m doing now. Even though I just finished a TV show here in Australia I’ve been working on for four months.
SMG: This second album, it’s called Tears Again. Can you tell me about it?
JB: I do these kind of concept albums. The first one was called Devil Has My Double. It was about a society woman who lives in a mansion and has these weird, sexual obsessions; that’s her downfall. This one is more of a homage to the soap opera. I’ve done a lot of soap operas. I was on two daytime soap operas and also Falcon Crest. So, this one is more about all the crazy things that keep coming at you that cause you to cry again and again.
SMG: Now, how did you get into acting?
JB: Well, I guess, it’s a funny thing when you ask actors that. It’s probably something that you just do. I did it in school, then I was a theatre major at Northwestern University and I always thought, This is what I want to do. There was never even…I never had to think about it. I always did it. When I graduated, I went to New York all by myself and said, “I’m going to be an actress” and that was it. My mother was quite frightened because she lived in New Hampshire.
I made the rounds. Started knocking on doors. I was so driven. My first job was a commercial for American Airlines. Then I became the Commercial Queen; I did so many commercials, hundreds of them. I did everything. Hertz with O.J. Simpson and a bank commercial with Bob Hope. Then suddenly, I had my first soap opera. That’s kind of how it all began.
SMG: Diana on V, that was a major role for you.
JB: Yes, that is the role that will always be the role. It’s crazy. I look back at it now; I was asked to be on a panel that had huge screens and they played all these episodes of V from the 80s and I just couldn’t believe it, watching myself on those big screens. I was such a baby. No longer [laughs].
It was fairly pivotal, I agree. And it doesn’t seem to die. Which is great. There’s the new V. It’s still going.
SMG: Yes. What do you think about the new V?
JB: Yeah, I like it. I really do. Like the old V, it’s cerebral. I don’t know if it has the same impact, because the old V was so innovative for its time; it had a very strong emotional impact on people and it still resonates.
This V is a bit more subtle. They’ve put a lot of work into getting wonderful actors and working on the scripts; it’s shot beautifully. It’s quality television. I think it’ll be a slow burn. I think it’s popular, but it’ll become more popular over time.
SMG: Now, I’ve heard rumours going back and forth: are you going to be in the new show?
JB: Well, as we are speaking, I still don’t know. It’s something that is being worked out; whether or not I am going to return is still a decision that hasn’t been made by myself or the producers. But it’s certainly something that is up in the air. I’m sure there will be an announcement on that, probably in the next week.
SMG: Are you surprised about the fan interest? There’s a Facebook page called “Help Get Jane Badler on ABC’s V” and all this chatter about you?
JB: I know! [laughs] My God! I seriously think that the fans are the real reason why they are considering me. I get the feeling with the new V, it’s not something that they even wanted. I really feel they wanted to separate from the old show – that’s my own feeling – and do a new V that was fresh. I don’t think they were that interested in bringing back old cast members. But there’s been – at least that I can see – a huge groundswell for me. It seems like – although I am in Australia, so I’m not sure – there’s quite a strong swell of support. People are really asking to bring me back.
Even when the announcement at ComiCon slipped, the press caught it and there was a lot of press. I’m sure that is a very big reason why I am being considered and there’s a lot of power in that.
SMG: Now, with the original show, it seemed like in the original miniseries and then the show and the second miniseries, Diana was different in the way she acted. Were you asked to play her differently? Did you just grow into the role?
JB: The original miniseries was a work of art; it’s a classic. The way it was filmed. The script. Kenny Johnson at the helm. When Kenny left and it became a series, the scripts became very much like Joan Collins in Outer Space. It became a soap opera in outer space. It really descended into that and I just went with what was happening in the scripts. Although it was fun, it was not what was intended in the original miniseries, which is probably why it didn’t last very long.
SMG: Yes. Diana always seemed colder in the original. More calculating. Reptilian.
JB: Yes, she was great. So great. It was a fantastic role. I feel so lucky to have done it and that it had that power.
SMG: Were there some places you wished they would have gone with your character in the TV show, but you weren’t able to go there?
JB: Yes, definitely. I think it was frustrating, because it was unlike what I’m seeing with Anna in the new show, where they are developing the idea that there are vulnerabilities. I love what they are doing with the human skin, that it’s melding itself, and the idea that they are fighting human emotions. Whereas, my character never had that battle with human emotion. There was never a question about it. She never had human emotions. So, although it was more of a freeing thing, it was also more one-dimensional.
SMG: That being said, I always found the aliens, the bad guys, more interesting than the good guys.
JB: I think that’s right. They were! Let’s face it, it’s more fun. And it’s more sexy. Playing bad is kind of an aphrodisiac. It’s a sexy thing to be strong, powerful and immoral. Even though it’s horrible in real life, when you’re talking fantasy or sci-fi, I think it’s the character to have.
SMG: And you’ve said before that you like playing characters that have a little bit of deviousness.
JB: I just seem to be able to channel those characters very well for some reason. I don’t know what it is. As an actress, I’ve played lots of characters and I’ve been doing a lot of stage work here in Melbourne, but mostly on television, I seem to be stronger when I play characters that are not particularly nice [laughs]. The same with this character that I played in this nighttime soap opera, again, I was not very nice [laughs].
SMG: What was your favourite scene to shoot from the miniseries or the TV show?
JB: I loved doing the conversion scene with Julie. That was a very strong scene. I think that at the time when I was doing it, it made me uncomfortable. I felt I was so cruel. I like it. I don’t know why. I thought it was cool.
And, of course, the hamster scene was great [laughs]. It was very time-consuming. It took two days to shoot. Nowadays, you can do a special effect in an hour, but back then, it took longer and it was so cutting-edge. So, I love that scene. Holding it, walking and talking around, and handling my little snack.
SMG: Yes, you and June Chadwick, you were always eating bizarre things on screen. Worms. Bugs. Mice.
JB: Totally! Recently, I did an episode of The Jace Hall Show. And I don’t know if you caught that, but Jace is one of the creators of the new V. He has an Internet show called The Jace Hall Show. If you go to YouTube, you’ll see me once again eating a mouse in more 2009-style.
It’s amazing. It’s a YouTube show I did when I was in Los Angeles.
SMG: We tend to think that actors resemble the characters they play, which is probably not true. But are there any similarities between you and Diana?
JB: I think the way I live my life is probably the opposite of her. I’m quite different. Maybe the only thing I have is a tremendous perseverance and I am ambitious. But I don’t want to dominate the world. I’m quite different – probably quite soft – which is why I like playing her. I can channel my fantasy. My fantasy of how it would be fun to be.
SMG: It seems you’ve been a lot more active in the past few years. Did you take a break to focus on your family and now you’re doing more projects?
JB: I had some tough years. As an actress, it’s not that you want to take a break. Obviously, I didn’t want to travel. I couldn’t have travelled because I had babies and I brought up a family. But I’ve never stopped loving acting and singing. It’s just that there was a huge lull because I was in that mode of maternity and children. I worked, but not a lot. Occasional guest stars.
Yes, I think it’s weird; in the past few years, suddenly, I’m working a lot again and it’s so bizarre. So fabulous. Now my kids are older, they’re finishing school and suddenly, I can again. It seems to have happened again. Which is amazing.
SMG: One of the things you’ve been working on is a pilot for a show called Resistance. Can you tell me about that?
JB: I did that maybe a year and a half ago. They asked me if I wanted to be involved in a pilot for a new science-fiction show. They called my character “Diana” [laughs]. She’s really just a mother, a fun character. There’s five superheroes. I have a child who is very geeky and has gone to a gifted school and I don’t really know he has superpowers and fights crime and superaliens. It’s aimed at a young audience. We’re still waiting to hear about that. We’ll see.
Funny thing, I just worked with one of the superheroes in the show that I just finished. It’s kind of a smallish world here.
SMG: What do you like about science fiction?
JB: It’s really fun. You’re stretching the boundaries of reality, technology. You don’t just deal with subjects that are everyday subjects; you deal with huge issues. Domination. Science. Morality. Science fiction, if done well, is very thought-provoking.
SMG: Do you have some dream projects? Some stuff you’d really like to do?
JB: Yes. I really do. There’s definitely roles that I see and I say wow, not that the person doing it is not great, but I could also do a great job. Sometimes, I do go out there and fight for things I should have. I think in hindsight, one thing about having maturity now is that I’m not afraid of rejection. I’m not afraid of making my feelings known when I want something. Whereas, when you are younger, at least for me, it was more frightening.
SMG: Is there any stuff of yours that’s coming out soon?
JB: I did a movie. It’s called Needle. It’s a horror film. I can’t get away from it [laugh]. I shot that in December. I think it’s going to be very good. I play an archaeology professor. Hopefully, it’ll be an international release.
I’m also releasing my album, Tears Again, probably in November.
It’s a big year and it’s exciting.
SMG: Well, that’s all the questions I have for tonight. I hope you get a nice, yummy role on the new V and we get to see you again every week.
JB: [laughs] What a story that would be. Twenty-seven years later. It would be a good story!
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Ven 6 Aoû 2010 - 20:43
c'est officielle jane badler est de retour dans "v" comme diana la mère de anna dans la prochaine saison .
Le cowboy lyonnais
Nombre de messages : 23270 Age : 54 Localisation : France = LYON Loisirs : Cinéma / Séries-tv / musique... Points : 18429 Date d'inscription : 02/07/2005
Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Ven 6 Aoû 2010 - 23:29
C'est super car on va avoir des articles et interview d'elle ! Espérons que ce soit un retour dans plusieurs épisodes à la hauteur ...
Elle parle dans ton interview postée de la souris qu'elle a mangé sur le plateau tv récemment, je suis sûr qu'il y avait un trucage ....
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Ven 6 Aoû 2010 - 23:44
oui elle reviens dans "v" dans plusieurs episodes , malheureusement abc veule que jane comme membre de la serie original est ont dit non pour les autres .
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Ven 6 Aoû 2010 - 23:45
Jane Badler redonnera vie à Diana dans la saison 2 .
Date : 06/08/2010 . Depuis l'annonce au Comic Con de San Diego que le personnage de la mère d'Anna ferait son apparition dans le Season Premiere de la saison 2 de V et que son prénom serait Diana, la majorité des fans de la série originale prient pour que Jane Badler incarne le personnage.
D'après les dernières informations de TV Guide, Jane a décroché le rôle.
Quand la saison 2 de V débutera, on apprendra qu'Anna garde sa mère prisonnière sur le vaisseau mère dans une section encore jamais vue. Cette section a été conçue pour ressembler à la planète des Visiteurs. Diana sera un personnage récurrent. Diana sera sans doute la seule à pouvoir tenir tête à Anna .
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Sam 7 Aoû 2010 - 0:57
V : Et Diana sera incarnée par... (spoilers) . Source : TV Guide Magazine .
Nous vous avions annoncé précédemment qu’au cours du season premiere de la saison 2 de V (2009) nous ferions la connaissance d’une certaine Diana, mère d’Anna.
Beaucoup de fans ainsi que de nombreux médias avaient souhaité que Jane Badler (Diana, dans la série originale) incarne ce personnage, et l’actrice avait également exprimé son intérêt de participer au remake.
C’est désormais chose faite ! D’après certaines sources de TV Guide Magazine, le rôle de Diana aurait été attribué à Jane Badler par Scott Rosenbaum himself.
Toujours selon TV Guide, lorsque V (2009) sera de retour sur ABC en novembre, nous apprendrons qu’Anna a emprisonné sa propre mère à bord d’un des vaisseaux-mères dans une section inconnue qui a été conçue comme un lieu ressemblant à la planète natale des Visiteurs.
Morena Baccarin (Anna) et Laura Vandervoort (Lisa) avaient également fait part de leur envie de voir Jane Badler incarner Diana.
Il semblerait donc que Diana soit un des seuls êtres reptiliens à vouloir remettre Anna à sa place.
A quand les arrivées de Robert Englund, Marc Singer, Faye Grant, Michael Ironside ou encore Frank Ashmore ?
Sujet: Article sur V dans Télé Séries N°22 1989 Sam 7 Aoû 2010 - 9:03
Bonjour ,à l'époque de 'La Cinq' le magazine 'Télé Séries' N°22 1989 consacra quelques pages sur 'V' et la térrible Diana!!!! voici quelques photos pour info: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] a+
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Sam 7 Aoû 2010 - 13:28
c'est genial .
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Sujet: Re: l'actrice Jane Badler / Diana Mer 25 Aoû 2010 - 19:08